Gain security insights without moving your data
Respond faster to security incidents with automation Run anywhere, connect security openly
IBM Cloud Pak for Integration deploys and manages instances of Integration Services running on a Kubernetes Infrastructure.
Instances of Integration services are deployed individually as needed to satisfy each use Case.
Services can be deployed in Highly Available topologies across multiple Kubernetes worker nodes or non HA on a single worker.
Deployment and management is via the UI or CLI allowing integration with CI/CD pipelines.
IBM Cloud Pak for Integration leverages the IBM Cloud Private (ICP) services which run on dedicated master/proxy and Management nodes in HA or non HA configurations.
The Management UI unifies the management UIs of the Integration Services and the ICP services.
Accelerate Time to value, Reintegrated capabilities that enable you to quickly combine automations, reuse assets and skills.
Empower business users, Low code tools enable business users to create business applications, while Built in analytics and data visualization connect operational performance to business KPIs
Infuse AI into business processes Collect, consolidate and utilize your operational data for machine learning and AI, to embed AI into business operations across all types of work.